Our Team

Specialist Surgeons

A/Professor (Dr) Narinder Singh MBBS (Syd) MS (Syd) FRACS (OHNS)

About Dr Singh

Dr Murray J. Smith B.Optom(UDW) MCO(UK) BSc(Med.) MB.BS(UNSW) DA(SA) FCORL FRACS (OHNS)

About Dr Smith


About Dr Huang

Dr Dakshika Gunaratne BMed (UoN), Master of Surgery (USyd), Master of Public Health (UNSW), FRACS (ORL-HNS)

About Dr Gunaratne

Dr Ravi JainMBChB (Otago), PGDipAvMed, FRACS (ORLHNS), PhD (Surgery)

About Dr Jain

Dr Tesuven Naidu MBChB (Natal), MMed (Otol), FCORL (SA), FRACS (OHNS)

About Dr Naidu


Corinne, Natasha, Samantha, Amy, Sheenal and Celeste

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Corinne, Natasha, Samantha, Amy, Sheenal and Celeste are responsible for all routine enquiries including

  • Making Appointments
  • Changing Appointments
  • Cancelling Appointments
  • Accounts
  • Reports and letters for GPs/ referring doctors
  • Organising a date for your operation
  • Organising the time, location and instructions for the day of your operation
  • Basic information about your operation (for detailed information, please contact our clinic doctor, see below)


Kerry and Nicki

Kerry and Nicki are responsible for preparing all letters and reports for

  • GPs/ referring doctors
  • Workcover/ Worker's compensation
  • Medico-legal reports
  • Note: For copies of letters/ reports, please contact our receptionists

Clinic Doctor

Dr Yolande Ma MBBS

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Our clinic doctor is responsible for all patients undergoing surgery

  • Before your operation, during your stay in Hospital and after your operation
  • Our clinic doctor will call you the day before your operation to answer any questions you may have

Contact our clinic doctor for

  • Information about your operation
  • Any questions after your operation

Practice Nurse/ Allergy Testing/ Sleep Studies


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Corinne is responsible for performing all in-office patient tests

  • Our practice is unique in that we perform most patient testing in-office, saving you time and inconvenience
  • At your first appointment, Corinne can perform tests of the airflow through your nose as well as allergy testing (skin prick tests)
  • If you are found to have allergy (more than 20% of the population), Corinne can give you advice on how to reduce the allergen in your environment.
  • Corinne is responsible for performing Sleep Studies to test for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). Corinne will provide you with the equipment required to undertake a Sleep Study in your own home. Corinne will show you how to connect the equipment. The following morning, the equipment is returned and your results will be available a week or two later. (All results are formally reported by a trained sleep-physician).

Our Anaesthetic Team

We only select the very best anaesthetists to care for you and your family.

All of our anaesthetists are graduates of Sydney University or NSW University. All of our anaesthetists undertook their anaesthetic training in Sydney, NSW, Australia.

All of our anaesthetists are trained in caring for both adults and the special needs of children.

Anaesthetist: Dr Clement Fong MBBS PGradDipEcho FANZCA

(02) 9836 1150

Dr Clement Fong graduated from The University of New South Wales, Sydney and trained at Liverpool and Westmead Hospitals. He sub-specialised in anaesthesia for cardiac surgery and spent a year at Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK in cardiothoracic anaesthesia. He has appointments at Lakeview Private, Westmead Private, Norwest and Macquarie University and San Hospitals.

Anaesthetist: Dr Simon Martel BSc (Med) MBBS FANZCA

(02) 9488 8649

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(Patients are requested to complete the pre-operative questionnaire at the above website).

Dr Simon Martel graduated from the University of New South Wales in 2002 and completed his anaesthetic training at Westmead Hospital. He has a broad general anaesthetic practice, including weekly sessions in both ENT and oro-maxillary surgery. Simon also works, since 2012, as a retrieval specialist with CareFlight. He has appointments at Lakeview and Westmead Private Hospitals, along with Liverpool, Blacktown and Mt Druitt Public Hospitals.

Anaesthetist: Dr Daniel Kwok BSc (Med) MBBS FANZCA

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Dr Daniel Kwok graduated from The University of New South Wales in 2003 and completed anaesthetic training at Westmead Hospital. He has appointments at Westmead Private, Lakeview Private, Westmead Public, Norwest Private, Auburn, Blacktown and Mt Druitt Hospitals.